Sunday, March 20, 2016

Grace to Remain Strong in Transition

The thing about walking by faith requires faith. God shows us glimpses of the future He has for us and if we're wise we begin to walk with Him toward those things. Seems simple enough.

The part we don't usually see right away is the journey it takes to get there. It's kind of like a jouney I took to the beach in North Carolina. I was kept the destination in the front of my mind, but along the way I got pulled over by the police, lost down the gravel backroads, held up by a storm and traffic jam, and made probably half a dozen bathroom stops with my kids. I got exhausted and shaken up along the way, but I kept my sights on my destination so I kept pressing forward.

When we persue the things God has for us, there is a transtion from where we are to where God is taking us. Sometimes it's quick and other times the journey is long with unexpected turns. Sometimes it's unusually easy and other times we look back and wonder how we even made it through. We get through by looking to Jesus and holding on to Him only.

Recently, I was reminded that the transition stage of labor is the difficult and intense, but it also means the baby is almost ready to arrive. Usually I have found that the moment where I feel most discouraged and His plans seem the most impossible occurs just before He breaks in and changes things.

Maybe it's because that's when I totally give up on my own abilities, surrender my ideas of what I think should happen, and look to Him alone as my hope.

For example, one day I was driving home from work exasperated with my job, telling God I could not do it anymore, did not want to do it anymore, and couldn't even imagine any job that I could do that wouldn't be miserable or pay very little. Within the month I had a better job that wasn't stressful to me at all.

Another time I was raising money for a trip to Kenya. I had raised less that 5% and I saw that one of my friends has already raised about 2/3 of the money. I told God I would never be able to do it. The following day, a friend put a check in the mail for the remaining amount I needed.

Then Sunday morning that I was in Kenya, I had completely given up on the idea that God ever intended for me to preach. About two hours later I was preaching in a church in Kenya.

I'm not saying that we should focus on how impossible or difficult things are. I am saying that when we inevitably experience discouragement or doubt, we can be encouraged that as we press into God in those moments, hope is just around the corner. All we have to do is hold on to Him and not give up.

Jesus redeems everything. He "bestow[s] on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. " Isaiah 61:3.

We we bring him our difficulties, doubts, and discouragement and He gives us wisdom, hope, and strength. When we come to Him, He give us the grace we need to "press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called [us] heavenward in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:14).
It's an adventure and God leads us even when we can not see. It's not always an easy journey, but it's always worth it. God is always with us and He always faithful.

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