Sunday, May 20, 2018

Pursuing the Call of God

Approximately seventeen years ago, not even really knowing what it meant, I said "yes" to the Lord to a call to "full-time five fold ministry."

I haven't seen it happen yet. Based on my experience, I had been beginning to wonder if there had been a mix-up. But the Lord graciously reminded me that I was likely the only high school kid fasting in order to seek Him at that lock-in where He spoke to me.

Although it may not always appear that way (as a quiet single mom, without any current ministry role) I have sought to be faithful to the Lord and His call in every circumstance. I have learned to love the one in front of me, even when I recieved hostility in exchange. I have learned to overcome spiritual warfare, alone in the wilderness. I have learned to wrestle with Biblical truths until I see my own life transformed by them. I've learned to seek the Lord to overcome circumstances that have seemed impossible to me.

I've learned God's ways, often alone in the fire.

I've received and been transformed by countless hours of training and have gained understanding by serving in many areas throughout the church.

So, my question at is, "What now?"

I'm done waiting. I'm just going to believe God and do it.

I don't know what that looks like. It just feels necessary to "write the vision and make it plain" (Habukuk 2:2); most importantly for myself, and also for anyone who is interested in understanding or helping me along that pursuit.

I don't really care what it looks like, I just want be at the center of His presence and what He's doing. There's no other place I'm satisfied.

I've already tried everything I know to do, I have given up on that. I will simply be seeking the Lord and doing what He says. It's all I know to do.

I would love your prayers. 😊